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Image by Igor Rodrigues

Habits & Self-Control

Image by Jack Sharp

Ministry to those who have addictions 

If you are searching for help in ministry to those who are seeking recovery in your Church, then we have curated some resources for you.

Support groups for recovery are a key for many churches. These groups can minister to those already in your church body, as well as those not (yet) part of your church community.

We recommend Celebrate Recovery, an excellent 12-step program with Christ-centered principles. This program is designed for both group and individual contexts, offering flexibility for various needs. Participants can attend group meetings or work through the program individually with the help of a mentor or facilitator.


Celebrate Recovery includes:

  • Teaching videos featuring experts and testimonies from individuals who have experienced recovery

  • Facilitator discussion guides to help lead and support participants through their recovery journey

Additional Resources for Habits & Self-Control 

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