Training Resources for Churches
Start Up Documents & Links
Church Planning Document. Our team created a planning document to help as you think through the ministry plans for your ministry/ church community.
Church Planning Document

Sharers come to you in a variety of ways. Some may have known issues, while others may be unknown. This tool helps identify high-distress issues that your team may want to address with professional care, not just The Church Cares ministry.
Sharer need identification

Church ministry Coordination is always difficult, and most people didn't sign up to create administrative plans. We support your work with an orientation document for first-steps for the coordinator of the ministry.
Church Coordinator First Steps

Proposal Template for Church Ministry
If you are planning to pitch this ministry to your church leadership as an official ministry of your church, this proposal template gets you started. Note the specific information in green you should add about your church.
Proposal template
Agreement Templates

Memorandum of Understanding between The Church Cares and your Church. This helps to clarify what your church is responsible for, and what TCC is responsible for in the ministry.
Memo of Understanding

Carer Agreement. This template can be revised to fit your church's ministry. This agreement helps to clarify expectations of carers in your church ministry.
Carer Agreement Template

Sharer Agreement is meant to ensure those receiving the ministry are aware of the limitations and goals of the ministry in your church. This template can be altered to fit your church.
Sharer Agreement

We recommend that you consult with your church's insurance and district or diocese leadership regarding this ministry. Since this is a lay/peer helping ministry, similar to small groups or support groups, it is clearly in the scope of church ministry. But your insurance company or district leadership may have advising.
Legal and Ethical Ministry